Clusterz is the latest released version of this freeware game for Windows and Mac. It is an arcade game, which can be played both offline and online. The online mode allows individual playing, or against an opponent. When playing against another player, there will be two screens, one for us and one for the opponent. We can view and compare how good (or bad) we are playing. The purpose of this game is to explode as many bubbles as we can in the least time possible. We must shoot a colored bubble to a group of three or more bubbles of the same color. We pass a level when all the bubbles disappear. If we keep failing the more bubbles will appear. We fail if the bubbles reach the bottom of the screen. From the Options windows, we are able to adjust the volume, sound, and select to play in the full screen or not. It has a High Scores Table. The program interface allows each member of the family to play using her/his own user name. The program keeps the game history and high scores for each player. We can download this software free of charge.